11 Jun BLACK IN TIME: A Moment In OUR History

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James Forten, Prince Hall &Richard Allen:
On This Date In 1794, Delegates From Eight Northern States Gathered In Philadelphia, PA, To Form The American Convention Of Abolition Societies.

While There Were Anti-Slavery Groups In The South, Those In The North Were Formed On A More Consistant Basis.

The Groups Represented Endangered African Americans In Legal Cases (Both In The North And South), Petitioned State And Federal Goverments To End Overseas And Domestic Slave Trading And Aided Escaped Slaves On The Underground Railroad, Among Other Things.

It Should Be Noted That Blacks Were Sometimes Excluded From The Prominent White Abolitionist Groups. Free Blacks Emerging In The North And Upper South, Such As Prince Hall, Richard Allen, Daniel Coker, James Forten And William Hamilton Created Their Own Productive, Anti-Slavery Movements.

"In OrderFor Black History To Live, We Must Continue To Breathe Life Into It." -- Hubert Gaddy, Jr.
Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55