26 Apr Shaping the Next Generation of Leaders

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 The Harambee Leadership Academy, Inc. is sponsoring our first

summer leadership camp for young girls.  We at Harambee, Inc.

strongly believe that our youth are are future.  One of the greatest gifts we as a community can give back is to assist in the development process of training young girls for womanhood.  This is particuarly important due to the recent remarks made referring to our sisters as "Nappyheaded Hoes".  Black America once again is under attack, and this is a CALL FOR ACTION!!!!

Our leadership initiative has developed a "rites of passage" program grounded in Africentric principles and values.  We provide afterschool, weekend, and summer enrichment programs designed to assist these

young women in social, spiritual, and community development; utilizing the Africentric Model for Leadership.  This model was designed to address the culturally specific needs of our youth.

We are a "grassroots" non profit community based organization established in 2002.  The success of our organization is enhanced by community involvement.  "Collectively", we are prepared to address the increasing threat of violence, racism, teen pregnancy, poverty, and abuse which is plaguing the lives of our youth communities.

Our next summer leadership camp is scheduled for August 13-19, 2007.  It is scheduled to take place at Proctor Camp and Conference Center in London, Ohio.  Youth or family must be members of Harambee to attend.  We have many guest presenters lined up and lots of fun- activities for our youth to learn and grow. 

Membership:  $100 per year (youth); $150.00 (families-limit 2)

Scholarships available for special needs.  We can accept a minimum of $25.00 deposit; balance payable before August 1, 2007 to attend summer camp.  We can only take 50 youth this year; therefore registration is limited. 


  1. Volunteer to assist with camp
  2. Mentor
  3. Transportation
  4. Program Space
  5. Membership Drive
  6. Donations (tax exempt)
  7. Volunteer your services
  8. Facilitators and Speakers
  9. Food and clothing donations for our families
  10. Scholarship Fund

For more information, please contact:

Make'da Fatou Na'eem, CEO/Founder

(614) 294-2175 or (614) 638-3726

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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - to register by email


Dominic Johnson, Project Director

(614) 516-3656 

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55