27 Jun Beware catcher.hk email(SPAM)

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Dwight W. Hayes,AA,BS,MS


Beware catcher.hk email

"catcher.hk" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

another veriation on this is "the nfhare.hk"

Subject: You’ve received a postcard from a family member

I love spam. But do you know what I love more than spam? Spam with a virus attached.


I am in spam hell right now. Only about 5% of the email I receive these days is legit, and it's driving me batty. But today I got something from catcher.hk telling me I had an eCard from a family member.

There was no personal message from said family member, and something about the whole thing just spelled like spam. So I didn't click on any of the links in the email. I did, however, open a browser window and go to that web site.

Bad idea.

Why? Because the site immediately tried to launch some sort of application to either install software on my machine or uninstall something I already had. I didn't wait around to figure out what it was doing and let my antivirus software remove it.

So if you get an email from this domain, please don't click on any of the links. And also be sure to make sure your antivirus software is current up to date.

I hate spammers.

Does your email program have a spam filter? Anyway, catcher.hk (and the link in the email) says they're testing a new browser feature, which seems to be broken, with a link to view the site in its original format. The site's original format is a .exe program. Nice try LOL.

This could have been my story except I do not use Internet Explorer to surf the net; I use Foxfire a much safer browser to use. There is a link to foxfire on my homepage: http://dwightwhayesms.zoomshare.com if you need to up grade your browser then go there.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55