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By Mark Finley

April 5, 2014


As of April 1, 2014, we’ve reached the 1 month mark-plus, since Malaysian Flight #370 has been missing by suddenly changing course and vanishing without a trace from all radars. At first, by listening to the early reports on CNN, and other news sources, it seemed like your typical airline crash into the sea, as we waited for search & rescue operations to find the craft, and hoped for survivors. However, as time passed, after about a week, this didn’t seem like your typical airline disaster. It became obvious that something is definitely suspicious about the whole story as reports surfaced about the transponders and other equipment on the plane being turned off, or re-programed by whomever.

 Immediately afterwards, came reports of how the plane began ascending to a height of over 42,000 ft, and how this climb into the atmosphere rendered the plane and its inhabitants useless of all technology to communicate, not to mention possibly rendering the passengers unconscious due to the extreme altitude and air pressure. Suspicion continued to swirl in the analytical and journalism world as many of us realized that the passengers would have begun calling love-ones, texting, tweeting…etc.; to report what was going on during this time period, as they surely would have noticed that something was terribly wrong. Then came the hypothetical rumors and theories on what happened and also where the plane might be. These hypothetical theories are called fishing stories.

I tried to ignore this story and the circumstantial and somewhat semi-fictional theories surrounding the mystery, however, after debating with a friend on exactly what happened to this flight; as my friend insisted on believing the media hyped theories, and also, what’s transpiring with the Malaysian and Chinese government’s, in which the families of the passengers and general public is blindly being misinformed and are the victims of dis-information, I decided to set the record straight on these ridiculous theories and or explanations to provide the public with the truth, by giving a realistic, logical and analytical approach to what really happened to this airliner and what’s going on at this moment.

 Now I ask you, in our day and age of highly sophisticated technology, plus the massive searches conducted by numerous countries simultaneously, have you ever heard of a plane the size of the space shuttle disappearing anywhere on the planet without a trace, and also not found after a month? If you sit back and THINK about the leading facts as it was introduced to you, instead of listening and or believing in the fishing stories that CNN, the rest of the media and talking heads are feeding you, purely for RATINGS and NOTORIETY, you will see by now that these stories have long been dismissed due to the passing of time or just simply declared illogical and ridiculous.

Let’s start by dispelling all the false rumors or theories of this tragedy.

We’ve all head by now the explanation or theory that the plane is intact somewhere and the passengers are being held as hostages for collateral. What??? Hostages??? Think about the reality of this explanation. After the first week and a half, there has been no record of contact by any entity released by the government, and or the media from any source, that the plane was hijacked, and the passengers were being held hostage for whatever reason. If this were true, the source would have had to identify themselves for negotiations at the very least, and also, after a week and a half has passed, for which the plane would have surely been tracked by our technology, and it would have surely have had to land somewhere. However, the government claimed they have not found the plane. 

 A Boeing 777 is way too big to land at just any airport. The runway, as reported, has to be at least 8,110 to 11,000 square feet in length to for a plane of this size to land and then take off, which only major and international airports can accommodate. Then, there are the people in the control tower for which an airport of this size would have at least 7 to 10 people in the tower. These are witnesses, and they have to report this to authorities, and the media would monitor the authorities. Also, even if this did happen, any facility of this size will have at least 200 –500 employees of all facets, and also, in-house and neighboring businesses. Many would see this huge plane land and immediately take pics, tweet and facebook to the world that they are witnessing flight #370 land at this airport. Remember, the whole world is literally looking for this plane and whoever finds it first will get HUGE ACCOLADES!

Again, there’s no major facility that would allow this plane to land without notifying the authorities. And last but not least; this plane is too big to hide. This would be tantamount to trying to hide the Space Shuttle or an AIR BUS! Even if it were to land in a remote area, where will you hide it without someone noticing and leaking out the information? Then, there are the THERMO HEAT SENSORS from the search aircraft (the same technology used to spot criminals or objects hiding in enclosed / hidden areas that radiates heat). And lets not forget about, NORAD. Did they forget about NORAD; the agency that has the technology to spot and track everything in the air regardless of their location or sophisticated technology? These high tech search missions alone would have tracked, traced and found this plane at least 3 weeks ago. This scenario would have been too well documented! The only possibility of this happening is if the U.S. government was in on it, which would have stifled NORAD, as were the case in 9-11.

Another theory is… “The plane lost control due to a malfunction, and crashed into the ocean” Yeah right! There are over 15 countries that have been looking for this plane since the first week of its disappearance, and not even a body part or piece of wreckage has been found, even in remote areas. Again, may I reiterate, let’s not forget, the technology the world possesses. We have satellites that can zoom in on a dime on the ground. Even recent technology has shown us images of planes and ships at the bottom of our deepest oceans, and images of rivers, mountains, valleys and boulders on the planets Mars, the Moon and Saturn, but they can’t find a 3000-ton 2 block long plane? One of the biggest passenger planes in history??? And last but not least, our technology has scanned every square inch of this planet and can do so in a few hours, if not a few days, so, so much for that explanation or theory!

We also have the Supernatural, Wormhole or UFO theory. Ok, maybe this is possible in a stretch, but highly unlikely. First, you’re literally creating another Bermuda Triangle in this part of the region, which if existed; there would have been numerous accounts of planes and ships disappearing. So far, this would be the first? I don’t think so. Wormholes, black holes or entrances to other dimensions don’t just appear, unless you watch too many episodes from the TV show SUPERNATURAL. As for the UFO theory, this is highly unlikely as well, as you still have to consider the magnitude of this scenario and the evidence that the navigation computers and other apparatuses were purposely re-programmed and turned off by a human source.

The most ridiculous explanations of all is… “The plane is still up in the air avoiding radar, fighter jets… etc., has landed and hidden somewhere in a remote location, perhaps in a foreign country, and all the passengers were killed, or either the pilots or airlines have simply lost the plane. Really now??? I’m not even going to get into these obvious fictional, made for TV movie theories, so please refer to the analytical deciphering I noted in the first two scenarios.

Now, by the process of elimination, this leave us with only 2 possible conclusions in which the intelligent and truthful analysts and journalists have pointed to for the last two or three weeks, which I believe is the logical explanation to this mystery. Please keep in mind that my conclusions, along with others, are derived in part from logical calculations and knowledge of airport and government procedures, the logistics and analyzing the circumstantial evidence, the time reference of this case, and finally, practical information from reliable sources.

Scenario # 1:

The Malaysian government or neighboring government(s) either had relations with or was contacted by an outside and highly powerful entity. This entity may have been connected with adjacent government(s). The government in question (perhaps Malaysia) was either housing or imprisoning a high profile or prominent political figure. If not, Malaysia has policies implemented that this powerful entity is in strong opposition with, like the trafficking of children for prostitution which Malaysia is widely known for, which many big time executives and other officials come to the country to have these children sent to their hotels. There are no laws governing such activities in Malaysia along with the country being the gambling capitol of the world. This entity, whomever he, she or may be, devised a plan to hijack the plane and hold the passengers hostage for only 3 – 20 hours or so while still in flight (IN THE AIR) for either the release of this individual, or to free enslaved children used for the child trafficking (prostitution), or to change the inferior policies.

The Malaysian government either refused or failed to comply with this entity’s demands in the allotted time for whatever reason. In turn, the entity deployed their own private fighter jet with thermite missiles capable of blowing up the plane into a virtual disintegration, creating powdery fragments that could not be detected by satellite’s, and also due to the extreme heat from the blast, would fall into the water and immediately be absorbed by the water to be dissolved or begin sinking to the bottom of the ocean. If no jet fighter was used, then the two men reported that used false passports, probably government plants conspired with airline employees, the pilots…etc. whom may have also been replaced with governments plants as well, to use thermite explosives (the same materials used to bring down the Trade Center). After the plane reached its desired height, they shot down or detonated the explosives over one of the most remote areas in the region leaving virtually NO TRACE.

Once the government(s) detected the execution of the plane, they realized that they have made a HUGE MISTAKE! First of all, they didn’t alert the families that this plane was hijacked and held hostage perhaps due to the fact that they felt this entity was either bluffing, or they could buy time to rescue the passengers, but this was not the case and they have decided to keep this outcome HUSH-HUSH.

About a week ago, I watched the reports of when the families demanded that the governments (Malaysian /China) gave them an apology for all the false revelations of the planes demise, and also that they demanded that these government’s tell them the TRUTH of what really happened to this flight. They, along with the media have now realized that after analyzing the circumstances, the governments are covering up what happened to this flight and their loved ones. Today, even the media is hinting without saying to the public directly, that this plane will never be found and some interviewees on CNN and other media outlets are stating the Malaysian government is not telling the truth about what happened.

The Government(s) now realize that they need to cover up the true story of what happened to flight #370 and create a false scenario to cover their butts. After all, we are talking about roughly 230 or so passengers. Their families are already pissed and going through the full range of emotions, and they desperately need closure because many of them have come to the reality that neither the plane nor their loved ones will ever be found.

With 230 passengers, 115 of them were Chinese professionals, top engineers, and a few of them were scientist and engineers. It is also highly probable that these scientists and engineers may have been targeted. Thus, the Malaysian government or joining governments are creating a false scenario by using time to draw out and prepare this false story and perhaps phony wreckage to present to the families and the media. Only time will tell.

Scenario # 2

After hearing analysis by Tom Hartman, Dick Gregory and other sources, I believe this second scenario is also highly probable. To start; Rolls Royce (whom built the engines for the plane) said they monitored the engines 4 hours after the plane took off, but soon after, they recanted their initial claim because the plane was still on the ground during this time.

It’s also noted that there were at least 20 Chinese engineers and several scientists on the passenger list. Some of these scientists either worked with or was monitored by several governments including the U.S. It is speculated that they may have been working on projects that would have changed the face of certain industries, or our society, as we know it.

On March 8, upon the arrival of the passengers at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, it is speculated that the passengers were told that there were technical problems with the plane (perhaps the computer system) and the engineers will figure out and solve the problem, which may take several hours. The airport or airline officials offered the passengers voucher’s to spend time at a casino and then to have dinner at one of Malaysia’s best restaurants, for which shuttle busses would transport them to these destinations. This is a standard complimentary procedure at many international airports when faced with such a delay.

When their stints at the casino and restaurants were done, they boarded the busses, however, the busses did not return them to the airport, but to a disclosed location where it is speculated that they were all killed. During this time period, at the airport, government officials arrived and informed the workers that there is something going on and that this is a top secret operation, and there’s government workers coming in.  At that moment, the airport / airline workers were removed from their duties and had to leave the area or airport entirely. By removing the non-government workers, and replacing them with the pawns, they could have easily staged for the plane to take off, turn around and land at the same airport. There were no outside witnesses so no outside source knew what was going on, and certainly, these government workers would not tell or leak anything to any media or outside source. The people in the surrounding areas around the airport would only see the plane climbing into the air at a distance, totally unaware of what transpired at the airport.

After it was all over, the government began to break down (scrap) the plane to scatter its parts in one of the remote areas for the other countries to find it, thus bringing closure to the families and beginning the second part of this story for the media to gorge itself on for the next two to three weeks.

That is what’s going on right this moment as different countries are focusing on remote area(s) in the Indian Ocean and elsewhere. It is highly possible that the Malaysian government either has or will divert search operations to other areas to plant the destroyed plane fragments into the ocean so they can claim they have found flight #370.

The only problem I have with this second scenario is…

In the case of a delay possibly taking several hours, if the passengers were shuttled to a casino, and then to a restaurant, they would have phoned and or texted their families, friends and associates, particularly business associates in the destination slated for arrival (Beijing China) to inform everyone of their status, besides possibly tweeting that their flight departure has been delayed, and that they were being shuttled to spend time at these locations.

So I ask this question…

Where are the reports by the family members, or friends & associates, or the Internet evidence that this occurred??? 

You have to let your peoples know that you will be delayed to keep them from being worried, especially a flight that takes place overseas. I’m pretty sure that during this re-directing of the passengers, these government sources did not or could not stifle the passenger’s ability to instantly communicate to the outside world that they will be delayed so their parties can schedule themselves accordingly. Keep in mind that they were still in an airport with many people around them, and they were not detained or declared prisoners, so I know they would have immediately communicated with their contacts to let them know what was going on. Thus, there should be some kind of digital evidence that phone & or Internet transmissions were made due to this major delay around that time by the majority of the passengers.

So, with 230 plus passengers, and a dozen crew members, there has to be at least 250 to possibly 400 digital records from the phone companies of phone calls, text’s, tweets, and possibly even face book, that this delay has taken place. And while they were at the casino and the restaurant, I’m sure many of the passengers would have phoned, tweeted, took pics and or face booked their experience while at these establishments to simultaneously give the world an update.  I know the powers that be couldn’t have separately isolated blocking their phones, to stop over 230 people from communicating to their families at this point in the general public so quickly.

I also find it very odd yet compelling that to this day, after googling flight 307 family interviews, nothing has come up, and there’s no record of any family member being interviewed until the last week of March. You would think that out of 230 passengers, a dozen crew members, and also the fact that 20 of them were Chinese scientist and engineers with the final destination of Beijing, many of the family members, and business associates would have granted some sort of interview in regards to communications with their perspective travelers prior to, or during the delay time period of the departure of this now tremendous worldwide, national missing plane story. May I also note that; has anyone noticed that now, after a month has passed, absolutely no one who worked that flight was interviewed as well?  That’s also highly suspicious!

Also, there are the finding pieces of the supposed plane after they have dumped it in the ocean. The plane has to disappear entirely- NOT A TRACE or FRAGMENT should be found. This keeps the veil of mystery covered and ongoing, and it also tends to verify claims that the Government(s) had nothing to do with its disappearance. The best solution to cover-up the government’s folly is to NEVER FIND flight #370 or any fragments. If they find even a small fragment of the plane, they’ll have more to explain to the families and this will open the flood gates for mass and massive LAW SUITS, because the blame will be placed on both the Airlines and the government, both which will suffer huge financial losses if they are sued by over 230 families, flight crew, plus associated companies, not to mention a big loss in customers (clientele), because Malaysian Airlines reputation will suffer tremendous damage. Remember the ole saying in the espionage / criminal world, “Its better to KILL OR DESTROY THEM ALL rather than to leave any traces of evidence”. Yet despite it all, lawsuits have begun to roll in.

In conclusion, after close examination of the circumstances, these are the only possible logical explanations to what happened to this plane. I tend to gravitate to my first scenario more than the second because of the logistics, but I can’t say for sure this second theory did not happen in some shape or form as well. If anything, the final scenario may be a combination of the two I presented.

Remember these facts; Time tells all answers and America is being dumbed down to the point that people believe anything they (the powers that be) feeds us, simply because it’s on TV. Everything that is going on CNN, other media outlets and phony search & publicity seekers is simply fluff –fishing stories for ratings and also notoriety. CNN’s ratings have soared to heights that haven’t been seen since 911. That is why they only focused on this story 24/7 since its emergence until about a week ago, because you can only tell the same B.S. for so long before the public begins to realize there’s a cover-up. Let’s KEEP IT REAL. Flight #370 came under foul play and no longer exists! And the Governments in participation have covered up the truth because they have messed up one way or the other!

I realize that there are many people who would like to believe that this plane is still intact, somewhere in this world, and the passengers may still be alive. I guess that’s just human nature besides those whom are so set in their ways of believing whatever the media or anything seen or told on TV tells them. But in reality, even these people should know, after dissecting the evidence along with applying some logic, that foul play has been bestowed on this flight, and it will never, along with these passengers be found.

That brings me back to the ole school song…”Wishing on a star”. But, in reality, this wish will never come true.

With that said, with all the evidence and facts presented to us, this analogy makes more sense than any theory presented. And guess what? As time continues to pass, more experts as well as the general public are realizing that these scenarios are the true story of what happened to Malaysian Flight #370.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55