13 May Back Where I Belong at iZania

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The last blog post I did here was in 2011.  That was nearly two years ago.  A LOT has happened since then.  Let's just say I've been around the world discovering and learning new things and now I've returned home---where I belong.

Roger Madison, the mastermind behind iZania, has been an huge supporter in my camp and has given me an opportunity to be a voice in his space.  Of course, he'll say this space belongs to ALL of us but I know the hard work he puts into this site so he deserves ALL the credit.

I am returning to share my knowledge and expertise with you as a Media Trainer  and PR expert. You see,  too many of us are missing the boat when it comes to promoting who we are and what we do because we don't know how to do it effectively.

As someone who has spent more than 30 years in the broadcast industry, I want to share my knowledge with you. To learn more about me, go here:  http://beverlymahone.com/about/

What I do is help people learn different ways to get their "shine" on so they can be seen, heard and valued.  I look forward to sharing with you and if you have any questions, please feel free to post them at the end of my future blog posts.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55