27 Mar The Fifth Wave - Book Review

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I am highly elated that I was contacted to review this book.

Mobile internet could alter life as we know it, society, and commerce.

According to The Book of Daniel, The Book of Proverbs, &The Abrahamic Convenant it is that infomation will increase and the transfer of revenues/wealth…….In 2012 around July I did a study on the Abrahamic Covenant from my home on The Abrahamic Convenant & Abrahamic Blessings /Provision & Wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just ……….. the only reason why I haven’t wrote about it was because I was placed in a discipleship class at my Church.

Mobile internet could have the real potential to create a universal market of six billion users generating $2.5 trillion annually in economic value, how it will change lives, create wealth, destroy more businesses, and could upend more political systems that any force in history.

Robert Marcus and Collins Hemingway are the authors of this book.

Robert Marcus is the Chairman and CEO of QuatumWave Capital, which is a global investment banking boutique specialized in early-stage mobile internet M&A. He also built a public company to a half-billion dollar valuation, co-founded three successful start-ups, and led a turnaround, generating two IPOs.

Collins Hemingway is best known for partnering with Microsoft Bill Gates to co-author the #1 best-selling book Business the Speed of Thought. Collins is a tech sector expert. He has founded and worked for startups, an served as director in Microsoft’s fastest-growing division. He is a marketing and business consultant, and has written books on retail branding and strategy, ethical and leadership principles, and on cognitive fitness. He lectures regularly on leadership and the future of technology.

In the Third Wave of computing, Microsoft turned out three billionaires and more than 12,000 millionaires; Apple turned out one billionaire and another thousand millionaires. In the Fourth Wave,Google produced two billionaires and a thousand millionaires, and Facebook‘s public offering will create another billionaire or two and about 700 more millionaires. Together the Third and Fourth computing waves likely have produced 100,000 people who became millionaires or better. The Fifth Wave is likely to produce many more – app stores alone are producing millionaires from downloads of $1 and $2 mobile applications. The Fifth Wave will be a machine of great wealth.

Consider how much more amendable the meetings might be if the identifies are fully developed via Mobile Presence. It couldn’t guarantee personal chemistry, because sometimes the fun is in the differences; but it could rule out certain attributes that are unacceptable and select for others that are deemed essential, all based on a much fuller profile of each person.

For advertisers, marketers, and content and service providers, Mobile Presence enables the distribution and consumption of information, media, and services with unprecedented relevance. With Mobile Presence, advertisers will have very precise demographic and geographic information about potential customers.

With high response rates, more companies will advertise, particularly small ones that previously lacked the confidence to. Many more firms will advertise if the opportunity is great and the risk is zero. Local merchants also will benefit from the instantaneous and hyperlocal nature of commerce.

Partnerships among travel companies, media outlets, and other information providers will boom because meaningful information can be directly tied to time and location.

Other techniques are important, but Mobile Presence is the future. The opportunity is not in any one element of Mobile Presence alone but in the combination of all four – identity, security, geospatial, and social.

Mobile Presence is the force that will account for most of the value of the mobile internet, and Mobile Presence is approaching a kairos moment.

The true impact of the mobile internet will be beyond commerce and into the realm of personal, social, and political interactions.

When an engineer in Bogota has the same access to world markets as an engineer in Silicon Valley, the world has changed. When a solider in Afghanistan can share a video call with his wife and kids halfway across the world, the world has changed. Even in the poorest areas of the world, where electricity is often lacking, people find ways to buy and use mobile phones. Mobile phones can be used for education, for payment of bills and money transfers to family, for alerts about medical treatments or when communal wells are working – even for warning women of dangerous parts of town.

People are simply more involved personally when they have devices that give them direct, personal contact with other people.

Society will reinvent itself across the globe. No market sector or country will escape the tidal wave.

As being a time of unpredictability, can also be a time of great creativity.

Mobile Presence is built upon four pillars: personal identity, security, privacy controls, geospatial information, and social connectivity.

Though social networks are growing rapidly, a distinct subset of people are fleeing such broad spectrum environments. People want to use social tools to reach out to others, but they also want to find social environments that are protected and personal.

All of a person’s interactions on a mobile device help build a personal identity. Each identity will be personal and unique, because each person’s traits, tendencies, movements, social interactions and purchases are personal and unique. Inappropriately, handled, this information can inflict extraordinary damage to a person’s life. Security, is of paramount importance.

The mobile internet raises security and privacy issues on a number of levels: personal physical safety and the physical safety of children; financial; medical; career; and lifestyle. But the most serious kind of harm can be exposure of highly personal data. For example, cyber-bullying, which oftens involves malicious gossip and the online posting of unflattering private information about others, has led to the suicides of several young people. In response, 38 U.S. states have enacted laws criminalizing electronic harassment and similar misuse of personal data.

Every medium has security issues.

In an imperfect world, mobile transactions are intrinsically more secure than others. Regarding online security in general, consumers need to follow well-understood security measures in managing their online affairs; and financial institutions and online vendors need to follow, and improve upon, strict industry protocols for the safe storage of customer data.

Google, Facebook, and other companies with large customer bases have a vested interest in protecting user information. Yet Google and Facebook have gotten trouble more than once for the overzealous collecting of personal data and for the careless handling of it.

The sensible solution is for industry to police itself, creating clear and transparent mechanisms by which users explicitly opt in to the way in which their data will be used.

A huge business opportunity could exist for third parties to provide to consumers a rigorous review of identity protection measures and privacy policies by mobile internet providers. Consumers would look for the mobile internet equivalent of the seal of approval by Underwriters Laboratories or Consumer Reports.

Mobile internet leaders need to decide whether to proactively treat data security and privacy as a very high priority, or to prepare for legitimate but burdensome government response after the fact.

Mobile Presence enables the delivery of highly relevant information, whether personal or commercial, at a time and in a place where you want to read it.

Google’s incentive for merchants to use its wallet, for instance, is that it does not plan to charge transaction fees but rather to run ads on mobile devices.

First-generation geospatial services are available from providers such as Foursquare.com, which has created the most successful geospatial social networking site to date, based on GPS. The information is posted on Foursquare.com and on the person’s social networks.

Because the system is opt in, Foursquare does not know anyone’s location unless the individual chooses to divulge it by checking in, thus resolving the privacy challenges.

Because it does not tie anyone down to a desk, Mobile Presence offers the best of the real and virtual world.

The desktop internet was also the first wave to restructure businesses that were not themselves involved in technology, such as publishing and retail. Hard media – books, CD’s, and the like-could be ordered through web portals.

The Fourth Wave upended the media industries – photography, travel, newspaper, book, music, and video. The internet was the final nail in the coffin for many general brick and mortar retailers, who were already struggling as the result of Wal-Mart and other low-cost physical stores and were further hammered by the low price points made possible by e-commerce. Amazon, sells five times as much merchandise of any kind online as Wal-Mart sells online. Companies, that were probably positioned for online sales did exceedingly well.

Tablets and e-readers rode upon the changes brought to media and entertainment by the mobile internet. Because every form of media is now digitized and delivered in an IP format, previously separate delivery methods have collided.

Book revenues have declined for three years, from $5.18 billion in total sales for 2008 to $4.86 billion in 2010. E-book sales rose from 3.2 percent to 8.3 percent in the same period, and surged because of tablets and e-readers in 2011 to an estimated 20 percent of the overall market. The shift to digital is now so rapid that there is one predicted that e-books could overtake printed books as early as 2015.

TV viewership is increasing.

Search-related advertising is the largest component of advertising for the desktop internet. Mobile search is expected to explode to $1.6 billion by 2014 (numbers for the U.S.).

Publishers also want to get in on the many opportunities provided by mobile devices, including search, banner ads, sponsorships, videos, and store locators.

Major newspapers are finally embracing the new economy of social networks and the mobile internet is a lesson for all business. The papers are developing compelling audio and video, blogs, chats and discussion forums. Their journalists use blogs and tweets to develop both the paper’s brand and their own personal brands.

Journalists also use social media to pick up ideas, develop story ideas, and collect facts.

Today the many bloggers, those informal and usually unpaid commentators, have as much cumulative impact as professional journalists. Twitter makes it easy for companies to be discovered by reporters and audiences. Twitter is the new version of the business press wire.

Products and services that were previously not feasible could very well hit critical mass with a worldwide market measured in the billions.

The mobile internet is large and dynamic.

Fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye, with the mobile internet.

Understanding technology in depth is not the same thing as understanding the value of technology-based solutions.

In a time of difficult economic conditions, the mobile internet is one of the few sectors showing robust growth, spawning jobs and prosperity around the globe.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55