14 Mar Position To Receive - Book Review 2007

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Position To Receive 
(Michael Matthew sent me his book March 8, 2007 to review)

The author, Michael Matthews of this book is a multi-talented music business executive, artist manager, business consultant, marketing guru, motivational speaker and option trader.

He serves as a growth and financial consultant to businesses spanning many industries.
There is a lot of valuable information regarding finances, wealth building systems, unorthodox business principles and philosophies.

You will want to seek your true gifting first and then pursue further development and training.

The author's philosophy has always been why he can't build his own network verus contributing to someone else's. Don't let finances, lack of education, experience, race, or anything else be an excuse!

No matter what you decide to do in life make sure you focus on your niche.

In order to get into the Position To Receive you have to have something in place that will enable you to have endless possibilities. The author is not saying quit your job. The more you work it increases your chances of making more money when you are self-employed.

The author turned to the Internet. The Internet does not limit you to time confinements, for it is available 24 hours a day - 7 days a week - 52 weeks a year.

The author started his own digital delivery service (music to dj's); it works much like the post office! Instead of sending music by post office to dj's on compact disc, they send it digitally via email.

Anything you actually want out of life the author believes you will have to sow into it. Whether it is your time, money, ability, patience or anything else you have to sow into it.

The author was watching a DVD one day about a documentary on hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, and the interviewer asked him, "Why do he do what he do?" Russell simply replied, "To serve..." You see as one of the few African American billionaires in the entertainment business, much less the world, he understands the power of giving, that we are blessed to be a blessing. The author shares he has had the privilege to meet Mr. Simmons and talk with him one on one.

The author also shares he was watching the life story of Comedian Steve Harvey; and Steve said in the interview it's about giving back and helping someone else.

Being an entrepreneur,we tend to live by another level of faith.

You can not be afraid to take risks and try something new.

You simply can not be afraid to step out and learn something new, try something different and see where your faith takes you. Buckle up, the ride is not always smooth.

When the author first started his first internet business he didn't have a clue on how to build websites nor how to market online. As he launched his business back in 2005 who would have thought in its first year it would gross 1000%?

If you want to be successful in life you simply just have to be teachable. Are you the type of person that thinks they know it all?

The author remembers one day while visiting at a client's home, he say something very unusual to him a computer with four monitors. His client began asking him if he ever heard of option trading and was the author familiar with the stock market. His client told him that Wall Street and the stock market wasn't going anywhere! He told him to "Go open a TD Waterhouse account (now TD Ameritrade) and I'll teach you." The author went on to become an occasional option trader, making money from day trading options and have now taught others how to do it.

No matter what's going on you have to maintain focus and keep yourself available to hear.

There are two types of voices: one is God's voice within us and the other is God's voice through other people.

The author thinks one big problem is a lot of people miss their blessing simply because they didn't hang in there long enough.

Don't always look to take short cuts or give up too soon because things don't happen in a certain time.

The author has an extensive marketing team that constantly solicits for new prospective clients and generates traffic to the website. They have a consistent advertising campaign that runs month after month on the various search engines to generate sales leads and traffic on the site. All this happens month after month; and sure enough the business is generating consistent revenues and showing above projected growth.

How about consistency in your finances? Be consistent in your giving. Like in your financial giving in church you need to be consistent.

This goes for finances, attendance in church, ministering to others and building His kingdom overall! Malachi 3:10 (NKJV) Try Him. "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this," says the Lord of hosts.

As it is written in Deuteronomy 6:18 (NKJV) it says, "And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, that it may be well with you, and that you may go in and possess the good land of which the Lord swore to your fathers."

God allows people to come into our lives for a higher purpose, therefore creating the connection.

God uses people to bless you. God will use anyone, anywhere and at anytime to carry out His will and purpose for life!

Many very successful people have a totally different mindset than the average person.

You have to build your network. There are two types of marketing lists: one you build yourself and the other is the one that others build.

I'm sure if you examine your life you will be able to find evidence of God's will through favor you have received.

There is nothing like God making other people move on your behalf.

As you work to position yourself, remember to be patient as you pursue your dreams. Make sure you are really ready and can handle what lies ahead.

Unfortunately in business people profile each other constantly, whether it is a car salesman or a real estate agent profiling exists. People tend to look at things like what kind of car you drive when you pull up. They look at simple things like what kind of clothes you wear; shoes you have on or type of jewelry you have especially your watch.

The various types of publications you subscribe to can lead to other opportunities and information leads.

One of the author's personal millionaire friends told him about a way of raising resources that is perfectly legal and allows you to raise resources in the millions. It is called Regulation D offerings also known as Reg. D. Do your own research on the internet and consult with an attorney before attempting a Regulation D offering.

There are so many ways someone can build their credit, eliminate debt and save money. Consult an attorney, financial advisor or do a lot of research to make sure you have a full understanding before attempting any technique.

If you haven't received your credit report within the last year, the author suggest you obtain a copy. Carefully examine your credit report for inaccuracies and other information that may not be yours.

There are hundreds of credit repair techniques and companies out there to assist you.

There are several companies that give you leads on lenders that extend credit to those with bad or less than good credit ratings. Sometimes, you have to start over in rebuilding your credit by getting a new credit card.

The easiest way is to borrow someone's credit history. There are companies that charge you fees; and they seek out individuals that are willing to add you to their accounts.

I will make you inhabited as in former things, and do better for you than at your beginnings. Ezekiel 36:11 (NKJV)

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55