05 Oct Acts 6:8-15; 7:1-2a Sunday School Lesson for 10/7/12

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In my Sunday School Book we are in Unit II.  Who Understands Faith?  The title of the lesson is "Courage to Speak."  

In the Introduction of my lesson that is a link to an article at ezinearticles.com which is Having The Courage To Speak The Truth by Sandra Ford Walston.  You may read it at this link:  http://ezinearticles.com/4289560 .

Stephen was chosen to oversee food distribution to the widows of the community.  He was a Hellenists Jew which means he made Greek his tongue, and adopted Greek ideas and practices (Acts 6:1; 9:29).  He was full of faith and of the Holy Spirit.  He was spiritually giftd (I Corinthians 12:1-11).  He was the first to do miracles who was not an apostle.  He walked with God.  

Stephen, a powerful deacon/evangelist, the first martyr.

Acts 6:8-15

Verse 8 - Miracles, Miracles Considered, The Apostolic Miracles

Verses 9-13:  Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, False Accusations

Verse 14 - The Hebrews, Jerusalem, Destruction by the Romans Foretold

Verse 15 - Angels, Good Angels, Men Compared with Angels


Acts 7:1-2a

Verse 1 - Trials and Persecutions, Kinds and Methods of Persecution, False Accusation

Verse 2a - The Hebrews, God's Chosen People

Scripture Reference used/taken from:  Holy Bible Topical Reference Edition KJV.  Crusade Bible Publishers, Inc., 1970.  Mt. Juliet, Tennesee; USA; 37122.


Angela Watkins .. http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Angela_Watkins_Thomas  


Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55