MondayMover -- Self assessment...part of the cycle!

Many people believe that not making enough money is the reason for their financial problems. Yet of even high-wage earners, those earning over $100,000 a year, nearly 20% live paycheck-to-paycheck and 30% save less $250 a month.
Furthermore, of those workers earning over $100,000 a year, 18% could only continue their lifestyle for a month or less if they lost their income.
I’m not making this up - WOM matters. Word of mouth has always been critical. Even more so now. Just a few years ago, the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA) was formed. Naturally the group has a focus and so does this piece. Allow me to flip it.
The angle that is most important in how you flex your presence is in what others say about you. (WOM)! Some folks can walk into a room and command the attention of others. Don’t believe me, ask Marion Pines. Some have to work at it.