Mistake #1: Not having a website. It does not matter what business you're in or if it's strictly a brick and mortar business every single one should have a website. These days it is much quicker and easier to research a business online. If you are not there potential customers will notice.
Mistake #2: Not using social media (to marketing your business). I know what you're thinking "I don't have time for social media". There's more to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn then posting status updates, when used for business this is marketing.
Mistake #3: Not using technology to automate your business. There are plenty of areas in every business where you can use technology to perform routine tasks or automate a process. And believe it or not there are hundreds of no-cost or low-cost tools available to help you.
Mistake #4: Not regularly communicating with your potential customers. It could take months to find customers and potential customers but you could lose them in seconds. As small business owner, solo entrepreneur or home based business we all struggle with cost effective ways to market our products and services
Mistake #5: Not knowing who your business is trying to help. Don't say everybody you have to find your niche. It's very important to clearly define exactly who you want to reach. Ask them what they want (training, how to's, and tutorials) then give it to them with your products and services.
Mistake #6: Not marketing in the right places. Don't was your time or get a headache because you are frustrated with your marketing efforts that's not generating measurable results. There are pockets gathering places both online and offline with hungry people waiting for your products and services.
Mistake #7: Not regularly updating your website. When was the last time you added some fresh content to your website? If you have a website you cannot update with new articles, videos, blog post without calling your website designer or developer then it's time for an upgrade.
Mistake #8: Not making it easy for potential customers to purchase. You never know if a potential wants to make a purchase after business hours or at 2am. You must give potential customers the ability to purchase your products or services at their convenience.
Mistake #9: Not asking for help. It's very difficult to grow a business when you're just starting or the only employee. Even if you can't afford to hire a full-time team you can outsource portions of an assignment or the entire project.
Mistake #10: Not having a consistent image. Whether you're starting a new business or expanding an existing one having a strong brand that represents what you do conveys a professional stable image. If a potential customer visits your website, Twitter page or Facebook fan page they should know it's the same business.
Mistake #11: Not building a relationship. Today's potential customers are super savvy, they can spot a pushy sales pitch a mile away. The hard sale is dead! People buy from people they know something about, they like them enough to listen and they trust will deliver results.
If you're not sure where to start with building your online presence in a way that generates money making results. You'll want to get yourself the Savvy Online Business Building Starter Kit. It includes everything you need to find your target audience online, no-cost tools with proven results. You can grab your complimentary copy at www.SavvyBizBuilder.com.