Think Strategy -- Who's Your Caddy?

Torin Ellis
It's apparent you didn't see that sand trap. In golf, the Caddy does more than carry the player's bag. The Caddy is knowledgeable of the game's rules down to the number of clubs allowed in the players bag. They know how to play. All Caddies are rated, many are trusted, and several enjoy compensation that many have only imagined. With a Caddy "not knowing" is rare. Hit a sand trap... it's most likely the player's fault.

A mental sport – relies less on the physical. The office – same/same. Star players require alert support, one with confidence; willing to call everything into question. They look for those that help them make the cut, place in the top 10, or win for the very first time? A Caddy is much different than a mentor. One is more i'mportant and much more involved. This type of relationship is embodied in a shroud of influence.

Who's carrying your bag when you need: sales training and techniques, resumes created, letters and memos drafted, or lesson plans critiqued? Whom do you turn to to create projections and predict market swings, weather a down housing market, better invest others money, heck...display confidence even though you're unemployed another week? Who’s carrying your bag. Even Tiger has fired a Caddy!  It’s Monday — day belongs to you – let’s keep it moving!


  • Torin Ellis is the founder of Monday Mover and Second Motive. Both organizations focus on the aggressive growth of professionals that want to be more, do more and give more. With an unshakeable focus on the elevation of who we are, Torin delivers thought provoking motivation via the Monday Mover newsletter and Monday Mover Radio. His staffing company delivers high paying employment ripe with promise with a focus on Sales and Sales Management. Do the right thing...sign up for the newsletter at and encourage another to do the same.