Torin Ellis
Relationships are about service. For many, it’s hard to forge these unselfish bonds because of personal and professional commitments. Let’s be real, the pressure of sales quotas, presentation deadlines and/or running a business and family are demanding. For many, it’s almost impossible to throw another process in the mix. Here’s four quick steps to help you building stronger relationships.
Meet three new people in brand new venues this week - step out of the comfort zone and/or normal networking functions
Learn more about others than what others learn about you - requires open ended questions and a desire to actively listen
If sincere, encourage follow-up with e/vmail to further push this new meeting towards the plateau of progress
Surprise them - Scan your address book and find out how you might be able to assist them in the near term - strike first
Relationships are actually easy to create, it’s the maintenance that serves challenge and stalls continuous movement in the right direction. This process is awesome when followed on each encounter. The word will begin to spread causing people to actually begin to look for you. Rest assured, you will then have your turn to shine a beam on your accomplishments and what you have to offer. Until then, create relationships of value.
- Torin Ellis is the founder of Monday Mover and Second Motive. Both organizations focus on the aggressive growth of professionals that want to be more, do more and give more. With an unshakeable focus on the elevation of who we are, Torin delivers thought provoking motivation via the Monday Mover newsletter and Monday Mover Radio. His staffing company delivers high paying employment ripe with promise with a focus on Sales and Sales Management. Do the right thing...sign up for the newsletter at mondaymover.com and encourage another to do the same.