Give them the power to pursue their dreams! -- Help urban youth become entrepreneurs A group of urban teenagers from the south side of Columbus, OH have teamed up to launch a start-up business venture to learn entrepreneurship, leadership, business and finance skills they plan to carry on with them to college and beyond.
How Are the Children? -- Caring about our children Solutions to many of our problems begin with a priority on building a stronger generation of children to lead us to greater prosperity and success.
Are We Revisiting "The Mis-Education of the Negro?" Recent trends in popular culture are moving in the wrong direction.
How To Compete When The Playing Field Is Not Level This is more than a wealth-building strategy. It is more a battle strategy to deal with the struggle we face every day to achieve positive outcomes.
No Justice. No Peace. "I heard your call for "no justice, no peace. Your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver justice on behalf of this young man....."
Blacks: Victims of Analysis Paralysis - Is "Empire" good or bad for us? We are both our harshest critics and strongest defenders simultaneously. In our march of progress we are hampered by Analysis Paralysis.