The Perils of Racial Solidarity

ImageIs it really the duty of us all, as African Americans to keep quiet about the wars in Africa and Iraq, to shut up about the credit and housing squeezes that are swallowing the wealth of our communities, to be silent about police killings and the continued transformation of America into a carceral state that locks up an absurd proportion of its nonwhite population?  Where are we really headed if our duty as African Americans at this time is to bury all our grievances, to be quiet and not disturb white people, in order to "let Obama do what he has to do?"   

Education and Economic Independence

ImageIn this present era of economic and educational onslaught against the African Community in America, it is important that we understand that the rise of the African Centered Education Movement should be linked to our quest for economic independence. We must free the “African mind” through African Centered Educational activities so that we might better understand the importance of economic self-reliance.

Think Strategy -- Tell Me You Are Sure!

ImageI try to stay five steps ahead of my competition. Problem is, I’m not sure who that is. To be safe....let me exhibit another mean crossover. Faced with complex, open-ended, ever-changing challenges, organizations realize that constant, ongoing innovation is critical if they want to stay ahead of the competition.

Looking for Daddy

ImageOur community father is missing in action.

For many young Black boys in previous generations who were growing up without fathers, there were Black fathers in the neighborhoods who were unafraid to tell them what they needed to be doing and standing up to them when they were acting like damned fools. They, along with teachers and coaches, could discipline children without fear of reprisal from a permissive society gone mad.

Our community father was not only in the community and in the schools, but his presence was felt in many fatherless homes.

There were community fathers represented in the politicians, activists, religious icons and average working men who stood as shining examples for all to see and embrace.

If we say that our fathers are not in the homes, then where is our community father today?

Think Strategy -- Home before dark

ImageArriving home before dark, feeling like little has been accomplished, is not really work life balance. Sitting frustrated in a garage, driveway or parking space, staring at a gas gauge that seems to always flirt with E, is stress. You might like to think its’ brainstorming. Not so much. Times like these have many anemic to chaos. Get dressed...I'll write a quick prescription.

THE BARON INSIGHT (Seize the Opportunity to Double Your Income)

ImageSome people are content earning a few more dollars a month, while others desire to be liquid millionaires long before they retire. The difference between the two groups is merely belief and a choice of focus. So be sure to choose wisely, realizing that there are strategies that build great wealth and strategies for those of modest wants. For those who procrastinate or are indecisive, time will make the decision for them. Unfortunately, the consequences of that decision are often not to their liking.

Obama, Wright, and How the Post-Civil Rights Generation Will Rise to Power

 ImageWhen the Black Freedom Movement withered away from disuse and neglect, it left a generation of enthusiastic young activists-to-be with unprecedented "access" to white dominated institutions, but no movement with which to affiliate. What's a determined mover-and-shaker to do? Get a job, that's what. While the author's friends settled in as corporate lawyers, management consultants and other odd jobs, she was fortunate enough to become - for a time - a "professional feminist" working for "reformist" non-profits. But financial pressures pushed her towards academia, and the realization that "I and others in my group" are "repositories for the Civil Rights generation's left-over hopes and dreams." Barack Obama, she now understands, has been the "symbolic beneficiary and repository" of those dreams - which is not the same thing.