In your attempts to get super-social with your fans, are you ignoring the silent majority?
Business Advice
Economic Empowerment is... enabling others to be all they can be.

Economic Empowerment is... enabling others to be all they can be.

You Can Make a Difference -- Do You Know Your Value?
To succeed in this current environment you must frequently analyze your knowledge, education and skills to
determine your value in the business community you serve -- whether your market is global or based in your own home town.
U.S. Innovation Economy: Self-Selection is Key

The Light At The End Of The Tunnel -- Innovation
We live in the information and technology age, with a new type of infrastructure -- the Internet -- that accelerates the speed of the transformation of ideas into implementation. We must take advantage of the technology that surrounds us to produce a new prosperity out of old systems.
Black Entrepreneurs -- The Answer to Black Economic Woes
We should think about Black entrepreneurs beyond the image of small storefront businesses, and
consider the economic growth of the entire virtual Black community.