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IkanUkan Dynamic Dimensions
Dorothy Anderson Presents IkanUkan Paths to Prosperity

7 Revelations In One That Open The Gates To Abundant Blessings

God’s Gifts, Divine Mind, Spiritualspaces, The Generation, Spiritual job Thought of Knowledge

Walk in the Blessings everyday and succeed in life.

A working spirit makes more money. Work your gifts, talents & personality.

Powergeneses II The Acts of the Universe

The greatest conquest of all is to be the Conductor of the acts of the universe. Suddenly the power of God came. Suddenly I knew that every word of God was true. It was like living water burning on my hands and feet. There came a whirlwind of pounding rains. Listen to the rain, the thunder and lightning. It was the sound of a 1000 drum songs.

I took in a deep breath and braced myself. Slowly in a slight circular manner I moved my right arm from my right side and around forward and up. Look high to the heavens. inhale the life of the million inhabitants. Feast on the power of the million year old forces.

Copyright 2005 by Dorothy Anderson All rights reserved

Get your copy www.ikanukan.com


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