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28 May New eBook: The Revised Amended Constitution for the United States of America for the 21st Century

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New eBook: The Revised Amended Constitution for the United States of America for the 21st Century


The Unites States Constitutions needed to be updated for the 21st Century and C. Earl Campbell had the courage to do it. He made changes to the Articles and Bills Of Rights.  The second Amendment, Search and Seizure, and Voting Rights for Washington D. C.  He placed term limits in the Constitution for the U. S. Senate.

The revisions proposed by C. Earl Campbell DA 3rd will send shock waves through America and the World.  He proposed changes to the Second Amendment, Search and Seizure and Voting Rights for the People of Washington D. C.

He was bold enough to propose term limits for the U. S. Senate. He believes that the US Constitution is a Flawed Document and if we are to advance our civilization in the 21st Century, this Great Nation must have serious construction work done on its foundation.  

If you are a Constitutional Scholar, Practicing Attorney, Law Professor, Law Student, or a Proud American, this eBook is a must have.  It will cause some to engage in serious discussions about US Constitutional Reform.  

For the Launch of this eBook, it will be on Sale for 1 week for 50% off and available for $4.99 as a download in Pdf format. Sale ends Saturday, June 4th at midnight when the price returns to $9.99.  Available at 


C. Earl Campbell DA 3rd

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Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55