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18 May 3 Innovative Solutions to Prevent and Protect Against River Flooding

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Dear Friends:


Seeking venture capital seed funding to develop & commercialize two Innovative Solutions that will protect against property loss due to river flooding and one solution that would actually prevent river flooding in residential areas.  


Only an inventor and innovator would look at the devastation caused by the current and predicted Mississippi River Flooding and create not one, but three innovations that prevent and contain the river, and protect property.  Only contact me, if you are serious about investing to provide the seed funding to patent, prototype and test and rapidly commercialize these solutions.  I'm not interested in the meeting and a referral game.


This is not "Out of the Box Thinking", this is "There is No Dam Box Thinking".


Charles E. Campbell, Founder & CEO

Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC)

Columbus, Ohio USA

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last modified on Sunday, 02 October 2016 23:55