Urban Botanic- Kimberly Clark

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Urban Botanic- Kimberly Clark



Location & Contact Information

Phone Number
(404) 353-2073
United States

Urban Botanic helps you create your signature fragrance. A signature scent is your most powerful accessory. With just a little guidance from a trained scent consultant, you can create a scent that you love, your friends will ask about, but only you can wear. The possibilities are endless. Create a scent based on your mood, the season, or even to project your attitude. Anyone can make quality perfume, lotion, and other bath products. But only you can make a scent that's original, unique, and, well. . . YOU!

Creating a signature scent used to be a difficult and expensive process. But Urban Botanic has made it easy and affordable with our patent pending step-by-step process that allows you to create your signature scent for free.

When your fragrance is complete, you simply choose what products you want scented with your new fragrance, and spend no more than what you'd pay a department store for an "off-the-shelf" scented perfume or lotion.

Celebrate your individuality! U.B.you

We are currently looking for Fragrance Designers nationwide. Please contact me if you are interested in joining this new and exciting opportunity.


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