Nia Knowles Realty Hot

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I'm Nia- a GA Real Estate Agent. I love to assist buyers and sellers with all their Real Estate needs. I especially like to help first time home buyers over come the fear of doing one of the most important and BEST financial investment of their lives.

My husband and I have had the privilege of once being a first time home buyer, I know what you may be thinking and feeling...

"I can't afford to buy a home!"
"My credit may not be good enough"
"I don't have enough for a down payment, and it's hard for me to save for one"
"It's too much responsibility to own a home, I'd rather rent and let someone else take care of it.."

I also know in the midst of the negative concerns... there is that question of "What IF ???":
"What IF I can buy a home?"
"What IF I can stop paying someone else for a place I don't really like..?"
"What IF I can buy a home and paint the colors I like?"
"What IF buying a home is better financially for my future?"

I can help you. If you would like to speak further about the possibilities.... step out of the box of fear...and JUST talk, please drop me a line. Many current homeowners (myself included) were just like you. Let's explore your options together... the outcome may be life changing. Mines was.

You can achieve the dream of homeownership!!
Be Blessed,
Nia Knowles
Solid Source Realty
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I have a wealth of information and would like to pass it on. I have free information that may help you or someone you know during this credit crunch time! The information can be used in any state! I will send it to you freely- please provide your name, address, PO Box or Email (this information will not be sent or sold to anyone) Here is a list of just a few titles and Categories:
Buying a Home: It's a Big Deal
Mortgage Payments Sending You Reeling? Here's What to do...
Selling your home? Tips for selecting a RE Professional..
High Rate, high Fee loans
Looking for the Best Mortgage? Shop, compare Negotiate
Credit and Your Consumer Rights
Fair Debt Collection Gold and Platinum Cards
Knee Deep in Debt
Choosing a Credit Counselor
66 Ways to Save Money
Keys to Vehicle Leasing,br> Understanding Vehicle Financing
Identity Theft
Energy & The Environment
Computers and the Internet
Telemarketing and Telephone Service
Investments and Business Opportunities
If you don't see a title of interest, let me know if you have any specific concerns you'd like to receive information on.

be blessed,


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