The Terrible Price of Being Tagged a Reverse Racist

ImageObama’s election did not change the racial power dynamic in America....  Sotomayor and any minority perceived to be a threat to corporate and political white male dominance will be branded a reverse racist. This is not new.

Everyone Should See "Torturing Democracy"

ImageIf we want to know what torture is, and what it does to human beings, we have to look at it squarely, without flinching. That's just what a powerful and important film, seen by far too few Americans, does.

Revealed: the face of the first European

ImageThe face of the first anatomically-modern human to live in Europe has been revealed. It belonged to a man – or woman – who inhabited the ancient forests of the Carpathian Mountains in what is now Romania about 35,000 years ago.

Michelle Obama, Mom-in-Chief

ImageMany progressive feminists were distressed with Michelle's assertion of motherhood as her primary role. They hoped she would seek a more aggressive policy agenda.

Justice Department Urges Equalizing Drug Sentences

ImageNewly appointed Criminal Division chief Lanny A. Breuer told a Senate Judiciary Committee panel this morning that the Obama administration would support bills to equalize punishment for offenders accused of possessing the drug in either form, fulfilling one of the president's campaign pledges.

Stimulus "Mania": Is It The 21st Century Soup Line?

ImageThe efforts to jumpstart the economy in the United States, in hopes of causing a global ripple, has taken on an entirely new meaning as people and industry alike wait for the $787 billion dollar economic stimulus package to drop. It’s like a “mania” as so many cities, states, industries, school districts, homeowners, small business owners await the economic “savior” of their connected economic realities.

Efficiency and Innovation

ImageIn his weekly address on April 18, 2009, President Obama announced appointments that will help give all Americans a government that is effective, efficient, and transparent.