The Black Anglo Saxon

Many Black Anglo Saxons want to be as quiet and as non-confrontational as possible, which often means exonerating people who commit crimes against our community simply because they have made empty overtures to us as in the case of former President Clinton, or when they are causing damage to our image as in the case of 50 Cents.

Blind and silly Negroes are still running around calling William Jefferson Clinton the first Black president, tacitly ignoring the fact that Black college enrollment began to decline and Black imprisonment began a steep incline during his watch.

And, Black Anglo Saxons are afraid to do what is necessary to garner freedom, which includes chastising our own in order to protect our community. We saw South Africa gain it’s independence with the use of direct and productive tactics, including “Necklacing,” where a tire was foisted around the neck of a sellout, filled with kerosene and set ablaze, ending the life of the sellout and showing the world that the community was unafraid to go to war within and without.

But the Black Anglo Saxon is afraid of real revolution.

When 50 Cents worked with Paramount to assault the inner city Black psyche with him cooning with guns displayed prominently on posters in Black neighborhoods, silly Negroes meekly attacked Paramount and still loved 50, excusing the moron’s poor behavior simply because he is Black.

The community should have gathered around 50 and beat the snot out of his nose, but he gets defended or even lauded as a role model simply because he is making money. And, some of the same Black men and women who refuse to take him to task, rage loudly otherwise about the destruction done by rappers and rap music, forgetting that Russell Simmons, Puff Daddy and Jay-Z have all profited from harming our community even as we laud them for amassing cash from doing such harm.

Entertainers in days gone by ranging from Eartha Kitt, Sidney Poitier and Mohammed Ali placed their careers on the line for what they believed, but today, Black Anglo Saxons are more concerned about the entertainer who makes money.

And, Black Anglo Saxons love their well-paid entertainers so much that when one of us attacks a cooning comedian or buffooning rapper, the Black Anglo Saxons will come to their defense. For example, when I attacked Tyler Perry for dressing up like a woman, diminishing the Black male image, while desecrating the Black female image and Black Anglo Saxons from both sides attacked me, seeing nothing wrong with the destruction of our image.