If we identify and refer 10,000 high quality Black- owned businesses, we will create an economic empowerment spike to strengthen the Black community.
There are 2700 Black-owned businesses in the iZania Black-owned Business Directory. Will you help us get to 10,000 and refer your favorite Black-owned business? Join us at Facebook to identify the very best Black-owned businesses.
Economic Empowerment Strategies For Black-Owned Businesses
OPTION ONE: Go to the iZania Black Business Network Facebook Page and post your referral. We will add it to our directory and update you on our progress.
OPTION TWO: Suggest iZania Black Business Network to your Facebook friends, and ask them to share their referrals.
OPTION THREE: Follow us on Twitter. Use the hashtag "#BlackBusinessReferral" -- and post your referral on Twitter.
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