Torin Ellis
Allow me to tarry for a moment on BRAND YOU. Think about how you feel in your current professional situation. Are you resistant, timid, still holding back? Brands are consistent! Understand that you are the brochure, business card, logo, and/or web site that is most important. . . most seen. Synchronize your mental development with the final three questions in last weeks MM, and you lay a foundation for a solid BRAND YOU.
From here, you might now determine whether you desire to transform a dream into reality, failure into triumph, grief into grace, or a relationship breakdown into a bridge of love and higher understanding. Ironically, the reason for the effort has to be greater than branding you. For starters be willing to leave an identifiable result. One should never forget you are or were once there. It’s Monday – BRAND YOU – let’s keep it moving!
- Torin Ellis is the founder of Monday Mover and Second Motive. Both organizations focus on the aggressive growth of professionals that want to be more, do more and give more. With an unshakeable focus on the elevation of who we are, Torin delivers thought provoking motivation via the Monday Mover newsletter and Monday Mover Radio. His staffing company delivers high paying employment ripe with promise with a focus on Sales and Sales Management. Do the right thing...sign up for the newsletter at mondaymover.com and encourage another to do the same.