African Americans Spend $40 Billion Each Year on Travel and Tourism, But Few of These Dollars Are Re-Invested Into Black Communities... Until Now!

In an article at, the National Association of Black Hotel Owners Operators and Developers (NABHOOD) and the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. announce an initiative to increase the focus of Black consumers on the support of Black-owned hotels.
According to NABHOOD, there are more than 500 black-owned hotels and hospitality venues in the United States, and nine in the Caribbean, Ghana and Liberia. Striving to do more business with black-owned hotels will result in increasing jobs and cultivating more black executives and owners within the same industry where they are spending billions every year.
Find Black-owned Hotels when you travel

There are Black-owned hotels all across our nation that most of us do not know about. Click the link below the image at the left to locate Black-owned hotels in the states where you travel. The states in red and pink identify Black-owned hotel locations.