Transforming Power Into Clout

ImageWith 2 weeks to go until election day, we are in full swing with the 2010 Mid-Term Elections.  Never has the power of the Black vote been placed in such an important position.  The airwaves are full of pundits asking if the Democratic Party has taken the Black vote for granted, or if the leadership of the party has abandoned the Black voter, or if President Obama has not addressed the needs of the Black voter.  These questions avoid the stark reality of voting power -- NO VOTE, NO VOICE.

Black voters have been the most reliable supporters of the Democratic Party for decades.  We have weighed the alternatives, and aligned our support with the Democratic Party.  As we emerge from the worst economic recession in our lifetime, what makes this election different?  Three things.   

First, every seat in the House of Representatives is up for grabs. The recovery that is being led by President Obama needs the support of loyal Democrats. That means the EVERY BLACK VOTER HAS A STAKE IN THE OUTCOME. 

Secondly, the Black vote was an important difference maker in 2008. We are still big difference makers in 2010.  Voting in large numbers to elect the President demonstrates our power.  Voting for congressional supporters to enact his agenda demonstrates clout.  If Black voters turn out in the numbers that elected President Obama, WE CAN TRANSFORM THE POWER OF THE BLACK VOTE INTO CLOUT. 

Finally, if the Republicans and the Tea Party take over the House and the Senate, YOU WON'T LIKE THE ALTERNATIVE.


The session of Congress now drawing to a close was the most productive in nearly half a century.  Not since the explosive years of the civil rights movement and the hard-fought debut of government-supported health care for the elderly and poor have so many big things been done so quickly. We need to continue our local support for the Democratic members of congress who support the Obama Agenda.  WE HAVE THE MOST TO LOSE AND THE MOST TO GAIN.   


To rephrase and old cliche', "a failure to vote is a vote to fail."  All of us need to revisit the commitment we made to the success of this administration in 2008, and stay in the fight by re-electing those Democratic candidates who support the Obama agenda.


Roger Madison

CEO, iZania