Business Advice

Giving Back

Torin Ellis
I had a conversation a few weeks back and a statement was made in reference to my seemingly bottomless commitment to giving back.  My response:
"It’s amazing (to me) how anyone making over $50k per year does not give back in some way.  There are very few acceptable reasons why more are not enlisted in a campaign of giving back.  Giving back is not difficult; it takes a desire to be unselfish.  Far too many ignore that.  Instead they blame the manmade version of time.”

Changes -- Next Exit!

Torin Ellis
"But if 10,000 people respond to these attacks on Barack in the next 48 hours, we can change the math for them."  A quote from an Obama party email on last Monday.  Of course the email was longer and more involved. 

The call to action, the wish, was a donation request in the most expensive campaign in history! (perhaps).

Emotional Discrepancy

ImageI thought to drop in a quick line for my Academia related audience.  Emotional discrepancies are created when employees’ affect is discrepant from the organizational display rule, thereby motivating them to engage in emotional labor to reduce the discrepancy.  Of course there was more; just wanted you to have a taste of what one young lady included in her thesis statement on Emotional Discrepancy at work.  She asked to remain anonymous.

Challenge is Always Good!

Torin Ellis
So what if I sneak in; the back door is open.  Stop judging because you would do the same thing.  As I stand to my feet, I brush off and get myself together.  Not a moment later I look through the façade surroundings.  Bold.... briefcase in hand...staring me down are the eyes.  Pushing and shoving...maneuvering the crowd..."it" moves quickly.  Chaos is incredible and the weight is excessive.  Bumping back and forth...still moving...and I've yet to pass out a business card.

Change is Always Good!

Torin Ellis
For 3 minutes, let's pretend that change is always good.  This week, I thought it would be fun if we thought together.  Here we go:

  • Under what circumstances are you likely to become immobilized by doubt or lack of faith? 
  • In these situations, what better alternatives have you NOT chosen that seem unlikely or improbable?

Unwavering belief in self!

Torin Ellis
It’s about assenting intellectually with certainty...always is. Today we talk about the fourteen-dollar millionaire (words paint a better picture). Everyone knows Kenneth Cole. He is also socially in tune with issues that play in the space of humans the world over. An icon for some. One of many no doubt. His second start is interesting. After creating his first line of shoes, Cole had two options: take up space at a trade show side by side with thousands of other sellers or set up a fancy showroom.

Click Clack

Click Clack
Click clack.  To most it means get low.  I’m taking aim this week at a fallacy around activity.  Left standing...a good thing.  All others get up... content is not a coincidence.  

Careful analytics of the Blackberry, Ipaq, I-phone, Palm, and Treo devices signal the scurry of activity day after day after long day.  Swollen with conference calls, cold calls, meetings, presentations, seminars, trainings, and travel to and fro...we rise early and retire later.  Each day is filled with red lines of over lapping appointments and to do items that warrant our conviction and sincerity.